If you are looking to host a fundraiser at our arena for your charity, school group, sports team, or any other non-profit, we have you covered.  You can do either Airsoft, Nerf, Laser Tag or Gel Blasters.  It will surely be a fundraiser that nobody will forget!  Fundraisers are 4 hour events, where participants may come and go as they please any time during the 4 hour time slot.  EVERYTHING you need, like guns, ammo, face protection, etc. will be included in the price.  You are welcome to bring outside food and drinks as well if you choose to do so!


For each fundraiser, we will donate 50% of admission sales to your organization.  Plus we will also donate 20% of any retail and snack sales your group generates.  The more players you get, and the higher the price point you want to set your fundraiser, will effect how much you can potentially earn for your ogranization.  Additionally, we will donate 10% of any parties booked during your fundraiser. At the end of your event we will be able to write you a check for however much you earned.


Our goal for each fundraiser is to generate at least $500 for your organization!  We want it to be fun, and worth while for your group to put in the time and effort it takes to host a fundraiser.  With all of that in mind, the following are our suggested pricing:

  • $40 - 25 Player Minimum - $500 Minimum for Organization
  • $50 - 20 Player Minimum - $500 Minimum for Organization
  • $60 - 17 Player Minimum - $510 Minimum for Organization
  • $65 - 16 Player Minimum - $520 Minimum for Organization

These earning estimates are also all assuming there are no retail or snack sales, any of that would be even more money earned!


Laser Tag - This is fun for ALL ages.  We have had children as young as 3 play with their parents and have a blast doing so.  So this is a great option if you have a wide range of younger players or if you just don't feel like getting hit with anything while you play.  For laser tag please note that there are ONLY 16 laser tag guns.  So only 16 players can participate at the same time.  So with groups with more then 16 players, we simply rotate out the players each round so everyone gets a chance to play.

Nerf - This option is great for ages 5+  Mainly because participants need to be able to pump the nerf blasters.  Usually players under 5 or 6 aren't able to do so effectively.  But if you know your kids are capable of doing it, then this is great for them.  And Nerf does not hurt at all but face masks or safety goggles are included/required for Nerf.  We have a very large number of Nerf blasters so we don't necessarily have to cap the number of players like we do for laser tag.  But once you get to more then 25 players on the field at the same time it can get hectic.  But still doable with more, but we can rotate players however you would like if you feel too many participants are on the field at the same time.

Gel Blasters - This is a great option for older participants, maybe 10+, who want to be able to feel when they get hit.  Most are also pump action, that take a little more strength than Nerf to pump. These will shoot much further and more accurately than Nerf so it's alot more fun for an older than nerf age group.  Depending where you get shot, it can sting a little, like getting snapped with a rubberband. It's nowhere near the sting of an Airsoft BB, but alot more serious than Nerf.  We usually have around 20-25 of these on site at any given time, but more then that is going to be hectic on the field, so again we would try and limit to number of participants on the field at the same time to aout 20-25 with these.  If you have more players we can rotate out as needed.  But if you really want to have more than that play all at the same time we can make it happen.

Airsoft - This is what we do!  These shoot the most accurate, hardest, and look the most realistic. But due to the nature of it, we really woudn't recommend this unless your group is 13+ or if they have already participated in an airsoft game before, and know they will be okay getting shot with a BB.  Depending where you get hit, this is like getting pinched very strongly.  And will sting a bit, and can possibly make you bleed depening if you get shot bare skin or not.  Just something to think about.  Gloves, hoodies, and loose fitting clothing is HIGHLY encouraged for this so it's as enjoyable as possible for everyone.  For Airsoft we recommend 16-20 players max on the field at a time.  More is possible, but as stated before much, much more hectic.  And with airsoft being much more powerful, you don't want too many people playing at once, or the distance you get shot from is going to be much closer, and you will feel it more.


Once you have decided that this all sounds like something you would like to do, and you know which game option will best suit your needs, you just need to Contact Us!  Let us know what timeframe you are looking to do it in, and we will check our calendar to see where we can fit you in.  Once we have all that figured out, we will block the time off for you in our booking system, and create a custom link that you can send to your participants to start signing up!  Getting participants signed up before hand helps us know how many people to expect, and also gets all of the required waivers into the system before game day.  This dramatically increases check-in times and will get you more time in the arena!  If the minimum requirement isn't met at least 24 hours before the event date, your event could be subject to cancellation.  We will keep you up to date via e-mail on how many participants are signed up for your fundraiser so you know where you're at, and can reach out to players, if needed.  Walk-On participants are welcome, but getting them signed up before hand ensures we will have enough supplies ready, and that you have met the minimum requirement threshold.



Contact Us Today!


The main staging area is very large and has built in tables on each side.  It currently has 5 folding tables, a large desk, couch, and many chairs.  The private party room, which you would also have access to if you book a private event, has all built in tables as you can see in the photo above.  And lastly we have a small side staging area as well.  With built in tables and some chairs.  You are welcome to set things up wherever you like in either of these rooms.

Below is a walk-through of the entire actual arena, so you can get a better idea of exactly what the playing space looks like, and how large it is!

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